Monday, October 15, 2012


Grand Tetons! Out West for Amy's-side family reunion. Summer 2012.

Snake and Joy

Noah loving critters. (At the VBS afterparty. Singing songs with motions was his favorite. Summer 2012, about 5 yrs.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First Days at Home

We got to the hospital early early on Wednesday, and we went home on Friday, early afternoon. Mom and baby were healthy. And we had even got a little bit of sleep (with the help of the nursery at the hospital).
He does a LOT of this (sleeping). And the smiling is just gas, but it's cute. These 4 pictures are from before 1.5 weeks.
Since birth, he eats about every 2 hours (he's a good eater). By the time we're home, it's almost like clockwork, even in the middle of the night.
That makes the schedule look kind of like this
1:00 Wake up to eat
1:25 Finish eating, play (look around) for a little bit
1:50 Change diaper (and bandage...etc.)
2:00 Getting sleepy, some crying
2:15 Swaddle and down to bed, some crying, re-swaddle with one hand freed
3:00 Wake up to eat He looks different every day, like the shape of his face is constantly, slightly morphing. So he looks different in every photo shoot.

Monday, February 25, 2008

He's Already Really Cool

Looking at these pictures again, he looks so tiny, but at the time he seemed strong and healthy.
2 days old

It's amazing that he's a complete, independent human now--that this little tiny guy didn't exist 10 months ago. We're already so attached. A relationship between a parent and a baby must seem so close because you've known them since they were in the womb, he's been alive a day, but I feel like he's more familiar to me than friends I've known for years. His appearance and personality weren't surprising (except it was freaky to see his head all purple while they were pulling him out!). Neither of us cried, but both of us were expecting to. I think you don't realize how well you know the baby until you hold him.
Crazy Beautiful

I'm not sure if some parents have more doubt, but when I held him, I felt completely confident, even though I haven't held a baby that small. I'm probably just comfortable because Amy looks like she knows exactly what she's doing. Even cleaning up his messes seemed natural and even kind of fun.
Early afternoon-A fraction of a day old

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Backstory: The Leadup

After one false alarm (almost constant, painful contractions which went away after a couple hours of IV rehydration!), we knew the time was coming soon. Shortly before midnight on July 24th, Amy went into labor (and knew it was real). We spent a few hours waiting it out, the bathtub was about all that eased the pain. We got to the hospital at about 3:30. Then I left for work. Just kidding! At about 8 am it was time to start pushing, and it wasn't long before we had our beautiful baby boy! The picture below was taken seconds after he slithered out.

Amy's parents came down from Elsie and were there bright and early. Throughout the day Noah got to meet his Wolf grandparents and all of his aunts and uncles (except Caleb and Bree, who will be visiting very soon!)

He was very peaceful and alert and was looking around as soon as the medical professionals stopped messing with him.


Noah Jude was born at 9:37 am on Wednesday, July 25th, in the year of our Lord, 2007. He was 21 inches long, and weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces. He earned a 9 on the baby scale of health, which is good.