After one false alarm (almost constant, painful contractions which went away after a couple hours of IV rehydration!), we knew the time was coming soon. Shortly before midnight on July 24th, Amy went into labor (and knew it was real). We spent a few hours waiting it out, the bathtub was about all that eased the pain. We got to the hospital at about 3:30. Then I left for work. Just kidding! At about 8 am it was time to start pushing, and it wasn't long before we had our beautiful baby boy! The picture below was taken seconds after he slithered out.

Amy's parents came down from Elsie and were there bright and early. Throughout the day Noah got to meet his Wolf grandparents and all of his aunts and uncles (except Caleb and Bree, who will be visiting very soon!)

He was very peaceful and alert and was looking around as soon as the medical professionals stopped messing with him.